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ONYX Mascara

Is ONYX Mascara waterproof?

We have tested ONYX on 25 women aged between 22 and 56 to make sure it would work for everyone every day life, in rainy days and humid weathers, at home or at the gym and we can happily say that our formula is water resistant, smudge and sweat proof

How to remove ONYX Mascara?

ONYX Mascara can be easily removed at the end of the day with water or oil based make up remover.

Come si usa il ONYX mascara?

Usare ONYX Mascara è molto semplice e si applica come qualsiasi altro mascara. Vi suggeriamo di seguire i passi seguenti: * Gira lo scovolino all'interno del tubicino prima di applicare il mascara, in modo che sia ben impregnato di prodotto *

How does ONYX work?

ONYX has been engineered to enhance volume, creating gorgeous, richly pigmented, luxurious lashes. Your lashes will appear longer, stronger and healthier. Our unique formula contains 4 important elements: - Carob tree seeds Helps to increase hair